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Project Data References

Establish the controlling framework to support site design, such as alignments, existing surface conditions, boundaries, etc.

Define Base Map Control
Define Road Alignments (C/L only)
Build a Civil 3D Existing Surface


Define Base Map Control

Use the site layout (or a copy) to generate an external data file to support ASE Civil's design calculations while saving the end-user a tremendous amount of time, considering the volume of labor that does NOT have to be done at all, just because of ASE Civil's Base Map Control system. During a project's design, analysis and production phases, ASE Civil will rely on this data heavily to support the majority of its remaining functionality on the project.


  1. Open the BMC source drawing

  2. Connect to the ASE project

  3. Run the "Create BMC" command

  4. Verify/correct ASE's auto-selection of the "key layers"

  5. Close the information alert

  6. Close* the drawing


* Saving is optional. When the alert displays, ASE's BMC data has already been created.

The layout drawing used to create ASE's BMC data file isn't needed for anything else, so there's no need to save.


Note: Knowing how ASE creates the BMC data and when, does it still seem necessary to copy the site layout at all?





Define Road Alignments (ASE)

Create a drawing that will be used to define roadway center-line alignments.

After alignments have been defined, ASE will designate this as the "Alignment Control Drawing".


To define ASE Civil Alignments:



  1. Open the Alignment Control Drawing

  2. Connect to the ASE project

  3. Import center-line source geometry

  4. Set Control Layer preferences

  5. Set "Definition Preferences" to "Residential"

  6. Select "Aligns -> Definitions - Automatic"

  7. Close the information alert showing the number of new alignments defined





Build the Existing Ground Surface

Create a Civil 3D existing ground surface for vertical design reference in ASE Civil:


  1. Create the surface definition in Prospector

  2. Add boundary, break-lines, points, contours, etc.

  3. Build the Civil 3D existing ground surface for the site design reference

  4. Share the surface with the rest of the project




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