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Service Pack           17.6.247


About This Service Pack

Here, you'll find summary information regarding the changes included ONLY within this service pack.

Note: This service pack also includes changes from all previous service packs.



Service Pack Links

Follow a link to view system-specific details about this service pack:





New Functionality

New Features




The following systems were modified internally to: performance enhancements, stability and/or scalability:


  • Increase/optimum performance

  • Augment stability

  • Improve reliability

  • Update support files/data

  • Reformat ASE data


Layers Management
  • Restructure layer handling  for re-scaling to support (future) user-defined ASE layer naming

  • Refactor vertical design layer thawing function

  • Code refactoring for improved performance


Sheet Views

Additional functions were integrated to improve performance


Vertical Control

Data Mgt. : Refactor auditing support function

Data Mgt. : Retired legacy data reader/writer interface





Broken functionality in these systems, caused by a variety of reasons, was handled using one or more of these protocols:


Isolation : Problem cannot be fixed now, but will not affect normal function

Removal : Problematic element or subsystem has been removed from ASE Civil

Compensation : Problem cannot be fixed now, but new code was integrated to fully-compensate for the problem

Restoration : The issue was completely resolved and likely reinforced to eliminate future problems



Layers Dialog

On some computer systems, the 'Profile Generator Layers' dialog displays without the "OK" & "Cancel" buttons at the bottom of the dialog. This service pack includes a redesign of the window which provides minimize & maximize buttons. Auto-resizing capability is also available in the event that the controls don't fit within the window on a given system


Region Dialog

The lateral offset setting, persistently reverted to zero when zero-based stationing (0+00) used. This behavior has been corrected. Values set in dialog will now remain intact.


Sheet Views

Saving Customizations

Sheet View 'Saving' was unintentionally broken during development of the new enterprise layer option. This build includes the repair for all Sheet View configurations *EXCEPT* 'Divided-Split' & 'Local-3' types. A subsequent repair will be available for those remaining configurations as soon as possible.


Vertical Control

3DPolyline Creation

Selection of 3 Design Markers to define a Constraint or a Connection would fail, crashing ASE Civil under extreme geometric conditions. This type of failure is caused when the user attempts to define a curve along a 3-point path (the selected Markers) that has such a large radius that AutoCAD interprets the path as linear. Thus, when these scenarios were encountered, it is in-fact AutoCAD that is crashing. However AutoCAD was using invalid input passed to it from ASE Civil, but specified by unreasonable user selections. ASE Civil has been modified to ensure that ARC specifications pass a trigonometric test before being used to create 3DPolylines for Connections and Constraints in ASE Civil. Please note that as a result of this service pack, some 3DPolylines representing Constraints or Connections may be lost after the vertical design drawing is initialized.


Design Markers

Text height adjustment for Markers already set in the drawing was inoperative. This service pack fully-restores normal operation to text height adjustment.





Existing functionality in the listed systems was improved:



Sheet Views

Saving Customizations

Saving the current Sheet View configuration is now a non-destructive process. After the Sheet View is saved, the page is restored to the previous state so production can continue without saving the drawing, closing it, reopening it, then re-creating the Sheet View.


This allows the user to make "on-the-fly" changes or "snap-shots" to update the project's default Sheet View styles, then continue working after the save is complete. This enhancement should have a positive impact on production work-flow.



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