Design Markers are the main building blocks by which a designer applies vertical design to a site. These design points designate elevations at key points, such as grade breaks and 'Intersections'.
General Placement
In the vertical design drawing, a Marker must be placed at the ENDpoints of every LINE and ARC segment associated with the centerline and curb control components of the site layout.
Curved Geometry
An additional Design Marker is required at some point along every individual arc. [1][2]
Design Markers are used for any combination of the following tasks in the vertical design stage:
Spatial Data Storage relative to key geometric locations throught the site
Vertical Control Node when used within a constrained group of Markers
Paving Feature Node for storing feature data relative to 1 or 2 associated alignments
[1] Markers used for ARC detection may be placed anywhere along the curve. MIDpoint snapping is not required
[2] Markers are placed on arc MIDpoints automatically when using the "Auto-Set" option.
Base Map Control Data
This element should already be created before Markers are added to the vertical design drawing. Without BMC data to reference, many of ASE Civil fundamental processes that are critical to the subdivision paving and grading design and production work-flow cannot function.
Design Markers may still be created and Constrained without Base Map Control, however extended program functionality is extremely limited without this horizontal control component of the project.
Design Markers are automatically attached to the two closest alignments when they're added to the vertical design drawing. If alignments are not accessible in the drawing, Design Markers placed without alignment access will need to be attached explicitly after alignments become available.
Surfaces (optional, recommended)
Civil 3D surfaces or references are required when Design Marker elevations will reference a surface.
However, keep in mind that at least one existing ground surface will be required in the vertical design drawing to calculate earthworks volumes and to generate existing ground profile data that's used when creating finished profile output with ASE.
Point Style
Preset the AutoCAD "Point Style" before adding Design Markers. This will assist with Marker visibility.
Open the vertical design drawing
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Point Style"
Adjust the controls inside the AutoCAD "Point Style" dialog as-needed.
Marker Settings
Adjust the functional characteristics of Design Markers as they are added to the drawing:
Open the vertical design drawing
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Design Markers" → "Settings"
Adjust the controls inside the dialog as-needed to control properties of new Markers and behavior
Close the dialog
Adding Markers
Inserting Design Marker into the vertical design drawing is the first step towards establishing vertical design control in ASE.
Singular Insertion
To add Design Markers one-at-a-time:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Manual"
Select and desired location on the site
ASE places a Design Marker and "associates" it with the two closest alignments
If Marker elevation prompts are enabled, enter the desired elevation at the command prompt
ASE adjusts the new Marker's properties accordingly
ASE prompts for additional locations to set Markers
Select another location or press <ENTER> to end prompting
To add Design Markers throughout the site automatically:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Design Markers" → "Auto-Set"
ASE places Design Markers throughout the site along all key points of the paving control layers and "associates" each Marker with the two closest alignments [1]
[1] Marker's relative offset must be within a preset distance from a road centerline to be eligible for alignment association
Elevating Markers
Design Marker elevation control is a fundamental element of the vertical design stage. There are a variety of ways to modify the elevation of any given Design Marker.
Absolute Elevation Entry
Enter an elevation manually:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Markers" → "New Elevation"
Select one or more Design Markers
Press <ENTER> to end the selection
At the command prompt, type the desired elevation for selected Design Marker(s)
All selected & eligible [1] Design Markers are elevated to the specified value
Adjusted Markers' labels reflect the change [2]
Elevation Differential
Enter a differential value:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Markers" → "Adjust Elevation+/-"
Select one or more Design Markers
Press <ENTER> to end the selection
At the command prompt, type the desired elevation difference for the selected Design Marker(s)
All selected & eligible [1] Design Markers are elevated to the specified value
Adjusted Markers' labels reflect the change [2]
Match Civil Surface
To elevate one or more Design Markers to match the elevation of a Civil 3D surface at their corresponding X-Y locations:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Design Markers" → "Apply Surface Elevations"
Select one or more Design Markers
Press <ENTER> to end the selection
All selected & eligible [1] Markers are elevated to the current surface at their X-Y location(s)
Adjusted Markers' labels reflect the change [2]
Sync to Layout Profile
To elevate eligible Design Markers associated with an alignment, to match the relative elevation of a Civil 3D centerline Layout Profile with respect to the Marker's measured offset distance from the alignment centerline:
Check or Set the ASE Project Data Path
(Menu) Select: [vrtCtrl] → "Design Markers" → "Sync' to Profile"
All eligible [3] Markers are elevated to match the Profile at their stations, relative to their offset
Adjusted Markers' labels reflect the changes
Constrain to Other Markers
Design Markers may be connected to other Markers via Constraints. This relationship allows a 'Parent' Marker to control the relative elevations of all other Markers down-stream in the constrained hierarchy.
Constraint Formats
Constraints may be created and edit via any of these measurement types:
Percent Grade : Through linear or curved paths
Slope :Through linear paths only
Elevation Difference : Path does not apply
More About Constraints​
For more details about working with Constraints see:
[1] Only 'Parent' and 'Neutral' Markers can be re-elevated directly. 'Child' Markers can only be adjusted via their 'Parent' or Constraint
[2] Zero elevations are ignored in the Design Marker label
[3] Use the following diagram to gain a better understanding of how ASE decides which Markers get sync'd to a profile