Use-Cases | ASE Civil Application
Crash on Initialization While Updating Pads
ASE crashes during the initialization process. More specifically, this is happening while the pads are being updated. I get the following message at the command prompt after just one alignment's pads attempt to update:
(C)2014 Engineering Design Innovations
ASE: Dictionary initialized.
Regenerating layout.
Regenerating model.
ASE: [ADMINSTRATOR] access enabled.
ASE Civil road alignment definitions may only be modified from:
" \09002605-Church Farm\dwg\ASE-M\09002605ASE Alignment - M.dwg "
ASE: [60] ASE road alignments loaded.
ASE: [ASE] alignments active.
ASE: [5] Cul-de-sacs / [31] Knuckles identified.
ASE: [Intersecting] alignment protocol active.
ASE: [Disabled] legacy paving data support.
ASE: Loading pad data...
ASE: Auditing design layers...
ASE: Auditing Flow Labels...
ASE: Auditing Connections...No Connections found.
ASE: Auditing Links...
Auditing pads with ASE data. Please wait...
Updating '<alignment name>' pads.; error: AutoCAD variable setting rejected: "clayer" "_ASE-Design-Pads-Ties"
This particular error occurs because the "Pad Ties" layer has been frozen.
To resolve this issue simply thaw the layer "_ASE-Design-Pads-Ties". Barring any additional problems, ASE should initialize successfully.