Did you know ASE's home page is a screen-saver 'countermeasure'?
It apparently doesn't work on all computers. However, if you're "WFH" and can't adjust the timer controlling when you are automatically logged off (and your screen-saver starts up), then do this:
Browse to https://asecivil.net
Leave that home page animation running and for many computers, your screen saver will never come on, so long as that home page is visible. Make it tiny if you want then stick in a corner. It just has to be visible. Minimizing to the task bar will not work.
Apparently screen savers get their activity cues not just from changes in mouse motion or keyboard activity, but changes in the screen snapshots it takes over some time interval. However, I don't think local application activity counts. It looks like web-based feeds with motion graphics qualify as activity. IDK just guessing here. All I know for sure is that it works on both my Dell laptops an others as well. It's the only plausible explanation for repeat and increasing page visits from countries that probably don't even have subdivisions. Maybe a friend told them about the page. I discovered this accidentally...