Viewports are not reacting as expected or move erratically when trying to adjusting their positions
"... I did have a problem yesterday generating the "Local-2" Sheet View for a drawing with 2 profiles. It seemed to do it right- with both sides generated, but there was only one station viewport along the bottom (that went the whole distance- thru both profile views. When I go to adjust the limits of the viewports, it says I have the wrong configuration… I did this multiple times and I'm pretty sure I was doing it right. I’ll try again this morning, but otherwise I don’t know what else to do. I’ll let you know if I can’t get the profiles (viewports) properly inserted in the sheet. It did seem to work on another 2 view sheet that I have..."
(Developer Note: After speaking to the client, we learned additional information. To increase productivity, the engineer was cloning each completed improvement sheet so it could be continued on the next improvement sheet using next sequential range of alignment stations. However, each time a new improvement plan sheet was cloned, the plan view viewports were being erased and/or replaced, since they were stacked/piled on top of each other, to complete the series of sheets for that alignment. Cloning sheets in sequence is fully supported and recommended by ASE Civil developers, to achieve optimum productivity. Unfortunately, handling viewports in this manner requires additional steps to preserve Sheet Views integrity and full functionality.)
AutoCAD indexes each paper space viewport created in a drawing. The index assigned to each viewport is maintained for the duration of the editing session. After the ASE Sheet Views were created, the plan view viewport was being deleted and/or replaced. The change in viewport index numbering that occurred during the drawing sessions created inconsistency in ASE's recorded viewport numbering sequences, which was established when the drawing was initially opened.
The result of doing either of the following:
Changing the number of viewports that existed in the drawing when the ASE Sheet View was created or
Replacing original viewports that were present at the start of the editing session with new viewports
The ASE Sheet View indexing was corrupted. This will always cause failure when attempting to adjust the ASE Sheet Views in any way.
This limitation is unavoidable simply by virtue of how AutoCAD handles viewport objects. However, the workaround is simple. There is also a protocol that should be followed when changes must be made to non-ASE viewports after a Sheet View has already been created.
After an ASE Sheet View has been created in an improvement plan sheet, if any of the following changes need to be made to the improvement sheet thereafter such as:
Additional viewports need to be added
Existing viewports that were already present in the drawing need to be removed, copied or replaced
Then the following protocol must be followed before making any changes to viewports:​
Save the drawing
Close the drawing
Re-open the drawing
ASE Sheet Views will then function normally when adjusted using the menu or ribbon commands.