I have a vertical curve going through a tee intersection. Everything looks great for the profile with the vertical curve. However, the new pavement grades for the vertical curve don’t reflect in the other [intersecting] profile. The other profile just wants to show the grade break grades. Are there any solutions for that besides changing them by hand? [See the] images below. Vertical curve is on 86th Street with PVI at intersection.
Collector Street profile
Intersecting Street profile
Solution Preface
This is obviously a very complex design case.
There is a video on the ASE/EDI YouTube page (please subscribe) that describes how to design a vertical curve through an intersection and how to handle the elevations at the endpoints of the curb returns (BCR, ECR).
After watching the video, keep in mind that it was produced under the assumption that the match line is going to be placed on the intersecting street, where the curb return points connect to it, namely the second and third points (ECR, BCR, respectively as you proceed along the stationing on 86th Street).
Therefore the only elevations of concern are those at the BCR and ECR points. However, those locations are updated during:
-Profile generation cycles
-Corridor modeling cycles
-Plan label placement
The only elevations that are not updated are the ones you see in the Design Markers themselves. This is by design for the purpose of respecting any existing Links that may already exist.
Crossing Centerline Elevations
The YouTube video actually does not address the center line issue. Remember also that the centerline transcends the match line on most plans sets and will go all the way to the intersection, traversing through the valley gutter if one exists.
There is a workaround for that as well. It's not pretty but it will yield the correct information. Here are the necessary steps:
1) Reduce Marker "Proximity Limit"
This is the setting that controls the minimum required spacing between design markers.
You'll find that in the ASE ribbon [vCtrl] tab, inside the Design Markers panel via the settings option.
Minimize that so you can set Design Markers right on top of each other.
2) Then you'll need to set design markers at each one of the locations that will show up in the profile of the intersecting street.
I imagine you'll want one at the intersection and one at the Valley gutter flow line.
3) Now set the intersecting Street alignment current
Use the [Tools] option to list the elevations of those two design markers on each of their respective components.
Alternatively you could also create plan labels if you wanted to. Whether you list the elevations or label them, you will get the correct vertical curve elevations using the ASE "Elevation List" utility or create ASE Plan Labels.
Those listed/labeled elevations should be easy to verify by noting that the elevations are not the same as what's in the design markers because the listed or labeled values will account for the vertical curvature, whereas picking the actual Marker elevation would be incorrect.
4) Now going back to the intersecting alignment,...
You'll now want to modify the elevations of the design markers so they match what was listed or labeled. That will solve the problem that you have.
Solution Summary
I realize this is an ugly solution, but I really can't think of any other way to do it with the current version of ASE. Obviously this is something that will be automated in the future, however at this point this workaround is the only way to deal with that issue.