The web server used by ASE Civil for license management is currently down.
How It Affects Clients
Essentially, it does not have any adverse effect on Client licensing. There will be no noticeable change in how ASE Civil functions.
Why Do ASE Licenses Still Work?
The licensing system was intentionally designed to allow pass-through functionality in the event that the web server ever goes down (as in this scenario). So long as your system is attached to an Internet connection and is able to browse the web, your license will function. However, if you disconnect from the web, you will lose all ASE functions. The application must be able to at least "check" for licensing, whether or not the server is available.
What Is Affected
License management and query functions are currently disabled.
If you attempt to check your ASE license status, you'll see all zeros in each value, such as in the image below:

As well, if you're using 'Dashboard', ASE's desktop license utilization viewer available (free) in the 'Software Center', you won't be able to retrieve results, since the login window will not recognize your Client serial number. (see image)

Why Did This Happen?
I made no changes to the database structures or schemas, nor have I made any changes to the communications logic that handles the licensing stream. This occurred as a result of an unpublished change in the servers' configuration. The change, whatever it was, (temporarily) disabled our ability to manage licenses. This has happened before in 2019.
What's Being Done?
I'm currently waiting for 'Level-2' support from AT&T to respond to my repair ticket on record as of 2 days ago. This is of the highest priority and will be resolved very soon.